Healing from within

What is needed today?  A sound philosophy of living, many of today’s issue stem from emotional issues: Mental conflicts, lack of devotion to a cause or person, lack of worthy standards that eat at the conscious or a futile lack of effort derived from hopelessness.  According to many psychiatrist’s people fail to look inside themselves and never learn to examine the way they think and way of living.  The reason why?  It is obvious they are not going to see that which they do not want to see, they use denial, rationalization, excuses to explain away their failings. If they did an honest examination all of their defenses would be destroyed. What is the consequence of such behavior? Well the fruits are as follows confusion/bewilderment, self defeat, learned helplessness.  According to authors Gerald Rogers, Kris Krohn, Stephen Palmer, Wayne Dyer ect…It has become the “story”  that everything can be attributed to, circumstance becomes the evil villian.   Another’s actions, Illness, death,  accidents become the reason why.  This only serves to further the depths of anguish and depression and unhappiness felt by so many who indulge. How do you or I change?  First ownership of problems and acceptance that they are limiting beliefs frees us to judge our true selves.  For example did your spouse leave you for another because you had no worth, or were not good enough , pretty, handsome ect?  Chances are NO they did it because that is what they mirror inside themselves, it is really silly once you can step outside your box and look it has zero to do with you.  Why do most of us internalize this as if we gave them that as a option?  Afraid of success?  Once again you picked up a mind virus, that says successful people are selfish, bad, or something along those lines.  Ok I think I have made my point, what else can I do to change you may find yourself asking.  Surround you with people who value you, and are positive in what they do and say. Find a mentor in something you are passionate about.  Service, lose your life in others to find your life as the scriptures say.  Be doing something , somewhere always.   Use “I am ” language, affirm you worth, even if it is something as simple as “I make great toast!” Build on your small victories.

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