Ketones.. how they help with Ketosis which accelerates burning of body fat.

This is a great Vlog of fat burning,  fat adaption, and preparing body to deplete glycogen stores so essential to the process.  So many out there disregard macros and the caloric deficit that is needed. They consume higher than normal fat without the realization, that your body will first, burn off the excess exogenous fat.  If it is always supplied, with an excess  a stalling or plateau will be created for fat loss.   Protein is needed, as well as good carbs that generally are kept below a minimum, of 20-30 a day.   Another consideration is the amount of daily caloric quotas, that even a single gram of fat will contribute to total for the day.  In macros and using grams,  125 g p = 500 cal. 50 c carbs = 200. 125 g fat -= 1125 calories.     How do ketones help?      They help with the        hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin, reducing cravings for the sugary foods, and imo a higher desire for good  “Natural foods”.  This is in addition to creating an environment where ketosis is easily attainable, instead of the long drawn out process of liver production of ketones. If time is compressed, or low energy it’s great!  Another Ketonesmeme tool to use and is enhanced, is intermittent fasting and workouts.  This is one of the mentors, I follow and utilize his information to guide my own plan of fat loss.

How to influence naturally and agenda free

This is something, that we all see in the person who is called “Charismatic”..  I’ve watched others who have these talents that come so naturally.  With a little study and practice you too can be influencing others is a way that is beneficial to them.   Be interested genuinely in others, speak little, listen loudly.  Here is a great article from Forbes,  i stumbled upon that enhances how you can increase your personal value or commodity.  Enjoy!

How to:

I always talk about the two laws that are featured in today’s video link.  Ray Higdon  in his online trainings, talks about providing content that is of value, give it away and help others find success.   I could not agree more the other belief that i talk about addresses the two main personality types and giving.                     For more tips, quotes,thoughts  and stories visit my fanpage

Healing from within

What is needed today?  A sound philosophy of living, many of today’s issue stem from emotional issues: Mental conflicts, lack of devotion to a cause or person, lack of worthy standards that eat at the conscious or a futile lack of effort derived from hopelessness.  According to many psychiatrist’s people fail to look inside themselves and never learn to examine the way they think and way of living.  The reason why?  It is obvious they are not going to see that which they do not want to see, they use denial, rationalization, excuses to explain away their failings. If they did an honest examination all of their defenses would be destroyed. What is the consequence of such behavior? Well the fruits are as follows confusion/bewilderment, self defeat, learned helplessness.  According to authors Gerald Rogers, Kris Krohn, Stephen Palmer, Wayne Dyer ect…It has become the “story”  that everything can be attributed to, circumstance becomes the evil villian.   Another’s actions, Illness, death,  accidents become the reason why.  This only serves to further the depths of anguish and depression and unhappiness felt by so many who indulge. How do you or I change?  First ownership of problems and acceptance that they are limiting beliefs frees us to judge our true selves.  For example did your spouse leave you for another because you had no worth, or were not good enough , pretty, handsome ect?  Chances are NO they did it because that is what they mirror inside themselves, it is really silly once you can step outside your box and look it has zero to do with you.  Why do most of us internalize this as if we gave them that as a option?  Afraid of success?  Once again you picked up a mind virus, that says successful people are selfish, bad, or something along those lines.  Ok I think I have made my point, what else can I do to change you may find yourself asking.  Surround you with people who value you, and are positive in what they do and say. Find a mentor in something you are passionate about.  Service, lose your life in others to find your life as the scriptures say.  Be doing something , somewhere always.   Use “I am ” language, affirm you worth, even if it is something as simple as “I make great toast!” Build on your small victories.

This is crazy good!

People who change themselves for the better are the jewels of the social world, their enthusiasm, creativity and love of humanity affects all they touch!   Question?   How do they find purpose, passion,energy?    What are some things you can do?  My passion is helping others to find their own path, helpf them become financially free all why having fun.   This short version video is a great introduction!

Social Media

So i have been getting some great training on Social Media and how to utilize the sites to create targeted adverts.   Lot’s of new things  going on these days, and some inherent dangers.   I deal with Facebook the most as it is the largest and oft Utilized site.  One thing i have discovered and been warned about is the use of personal pages to promote business and how it really restricts the reach you have to grow a business.    People are having personal page and fan page accounts shutdown due to not understanding the new rules.  For example the days of using a fan page to solely advertise to a broad audience who does not know you and where you are not providing value will get your account red flagged and eventually shut down.  It is then a whole big mess to extract yourself from.   Native advertising is encouraged.  No misleading ad titles, or pages with pop ups that ask for contact info before showing content.  These are just a few of the things to watch out for.  Would it be a great value to you to know how to navigate these and the other things out there that will inhibit your growth?